Biology 2022
Objective Questions
Which of the following statements about living things is correct?
Correct Answer: C) Most plants respond to stimulus slowly
Organ level of organization in living things is found in:
Correct Answer: C) Kidney
Diagram X and Y below are illustrations of transverse sections of a part of plants. Study them and answer question 3 to 5

From the diagram above, which of the following statements is not correct? Diagrams X and Y are sections of:
Correct Answer: D) Stems
From the diagram above, the part responsible for conducting water and dissolved mineral salts from the soil to the leaves is labelled:
Correct Answer: A) I
From the diagram above, the part labelled II is the:
Correct Answer: A) Pith
The organelles in cells which are also referred to as suicidal bags are the:
Correct Answer: B) Lysosomes
The process that brings about the shrinking of a Spirogyra cell when placed in a strong solution is:
Correct Answer: C) Plasmolysis
The region of a plant stem in which cells divide to increase its diameter is the:
Correct Answer: A) Cambium
The total number of caudal vertebrae in animals X and Y is 4 and 27 respectively. The animals are likely to be:
Correct Answer: D) Humans and rat
Which of the following blood components has the greatest affinity for oxygen and carbon (IV) oxide?
Correct Answer: B) Erythrocyte
Use the following processes to answer question 11 and 12 paragraph
I - Ribs move upward and outward
II - Diaphragm relaxes
III - Volume of thorax increases
IV - Air is forced out of the lungs
From the following process above, which of the processes take place during inspiration?
Correct Answer: A) I and III only
From the process above, which of the processes is a direct result of contraction of the intercostal muscles?
Correct Answer: A) I
The process by which the amount of water and solute in the blood are controlled is known as:
Correct Answer: D) Osmoregulation
The table below shows the effect of hormones I, II, III, and IV on some parts of the human body. where ✓ represents effect and ✕ represents no effect of hormone on the corresponding part of the body. Study it and answer question 14 and 15.

From the diagram above, which of the following hormones are I, II, III and IV respectively?
Correct Answer: D) Adrenaline, ADH, Oestrogen, Glucagon
From the diagram above, the hormone responsible for anxiety is:
Correct Answer: A) I
The diagram below is an illustration of some parts of a mammalian ear. Study it and answer question 16 to 18

From the above diagram, the part labelled I are the:
Correct Answer: B) Ossicles
From the diagram above, which of the parts are correctly grouped? Inner ear, Middle ear, Outer ear:
Correct Answer: D) II ---------- I, II ---------- IV
From the diagram above, the middle ear is connected to the pharynx by the part labelled:
Correct Answer: C) III
The diagrams below are illustrations of two different cells involved in a biological process in mammals. Study them and answer questions 19 to 21

From the diagram above, which parts of P and Q fuse to complete the biological process?
Correct Answer: A) III and I
From the diagram above, which of the following statements about P and Q is correct?
Correct Answer: D) The union of both cells gives rise to a new mammal
From the diagram above, if the number of chromosomes in the skin cells of mammals is 46, how many chromosomes would be found in P and Q respectively?
Correct Answer: A) 23 and 23
In which of the following structures is simple sugar produced?
Correct Answer: C) Chloroplast
An evidence of the occurrence of photosynthesis in an experiment is the:
Correct Answer: B) Release of oxygen
The major sources of vitamin A are:
Correct Answer: A) Egg yolk, carrot, and palm oil
Diagram J is a protease while diagrams K, L, M and N are food substances. Study them and answer questions 25 to 27.

From the diagram above, which of the illustrated food substances would form a reaction with protease J?
Correct Answer: B) L
From the diagram above, protease J would react with the particular illustrated substance because enzymes:
Correct Answer: B) Are specific in their action
From the diagram above, after a reaction between protease J and the food substance, the end-product would be:
Correct Answer: C) Amino acids
The property of clayey soil that prevents it from supporting thick vegetation is its:
Correct Answer: C) Tendency of becoming waterlogged
Which of the following practices will not maintain soil fertility?
Correct Answer: C) Leaving the land bare
A group of organisms of the same species living in a particular place is known as:
Correct Answer: D) Population
The diagram below is an illustration of an experiment on sedimentation of soil. Use it to answer questions 31 and 32

From the above diagram, the organic component of the soil is labelled:
Correct Answer: A) I
From the diagram above, the part labelled IV is:
Correct Answer: B) Sand
Which of the following pyramids is not used in ecology? Pyramid of:
Correct Answer: D) Organisms
Study the food chain illustrated below and use it to answer questions 34 to 36
J → K →L →M →N
From the above illustration, Organism J is normally sustained by energy from:
Correct Answer: D) Sunlight
From the illustration above, which of the following statements about organism L is correct?
Correct Answer: D) It is a secondary consumer
From the illustration above, the position occupied by each of organism J, K, L, M, and N in the food chain is known as:
Correct Answer: B) Trophic level
Which of the following features is not an adaptation of plants to aquatic habitats?
Correct Answer: D) Hairy structures on the leaves to reduce water loss
The biological association that contributes directly to succession in a community is:
Correct Answer: A) Competition
The conservation of natural resources is enhanced by the following practices except:
Correct Answer: C) Poaching in game reserves
The burning of farmlands should be discouraged because it:
Correct Answer: A) Destroys the organic components of the soil
The use of a lighter instead of match sticks is a way of conserving:
Correct Answer: B) Forest
An accident victim was successfully transfused with blood from the father whose blood group is AB. The blood group of the accident victim is:
Correct Answer: C) AB
Which of the following traits in humans is an example of physiological variation?
Correct Answer: C) Tongue rolling
Individuals belonging to blood group O are universal donors because:
Correct Answer: A) Antigens are absent in their blood
Two tall plants were crossed and all the F1 plants were tall. When the F1 plants were selfed, some of the F2 plants were tall while others were short. What are the possible genotypes of the original plants?
Correct Answer: D) TT and Tt
Which of the following statements best describes a test cross?
Correct Answer: A) It is to determine the genotype of an individual whose phenotype is known
Which of the following statements about sex-linked traits is not correct?
Correct Answer: A) Males inherit sex-linked traits from their fathers
When two carriers of sickle cell anaemia produce an offspring, the probability of the offspring being a sickler is:
Correct Answer: B) ¼
Which of the following organisms exhibits adaptive coloration?
Correct Answer: B) Chameleon
Which of the following sequences is the correct evolutionary trend in organisms?
Correct Answer: A) Algae ⟶ Liverwort ⟶ Ferns ⟶ Angiosperms
Theory Questions
A sample of human blood was put in a test tube and allowed to spin in a centrifuge. The components of the blood sample were clearly separated.
(a) (i) What is a cell?
(ii) Name three scientists that are associated
with the
discovery of the cell.
(b) (i) Make a diagram, 6 cm to 8 cm long of a
plant cell
and label only the organelle responsible for
(ii) Name one blood cell in humans that does
not have
the organelle labelled in 1(b)(i).
(iii) What is the biological implication of the cell named
in 1(b)(i).
(c) List six organelles found in a plant cell.
(a) Complete the table below by ticking (√) the appropriate
group to which each of the listed elements required
by plants belongs.
Element |
Microelement |
Macroelement |
Hydrogen |
Copper |
Magnesium |
Zinc |
Phosphorus |
Manganese |
Boron |
Nitrogen |
Carbon |
Oxygen |
(b) State:
(i) three differences between definition of
herbivore and a carnivore;
(ii) four differences between the definition of a
human and a goat.
(c) What are milk teeth?
(a)(i) What is an ecological niche?
(ii) State five roles played by a mango tree in its
ecological niche.
(b)(i)State two reasons why ecologists use sampling
techniques in population studies.
(c) Name four types of fingerprints in humans.
(d) (i) Name the plant used by Gregor Mendel in his experiment.
(ii)State two reasons why the plant named in
3(d)(i) was used.
(a) (i) What are conservative laws?
(ii) State three conservative laws.
(b) (i) State two reasons why animals are poached.
(ii) Name five animals that are commonly poached.
(c) State four effects of excessive use of the
(d) Explain briefly the following terms:
(i) blood transfusion;
(ii) antigen.
(a) (i) State three difference between the
alimentary canals of earthworm and
(ii) State three similarities between the alimentary canals of earthworm and cockroach.
(b) The diagram below is an illustration of a biological cycle. Study it and answer questions 5(b)(i) to 5(b)(iii).

(i) Name the biological cycle.
(ii) Explain briefly three roles played by plants and animals in the
(iii) Name the processes that occur in X,Y and Z.
(c) Complete the table below.
Organ associated with excretion in humans |
Three diseases each that affect the organ |
(i) |
(ii) |
(d) (i) what is decay of organic matter?
(ii) Name two groups of organisms that cause decay of organic
(iii) State one other factor that causes decay.
(iv) Name the biological cycle that involves decay.
(e) Explain briefly the mode of nutrition in carnivorous plants.
Practical Questions
List of specimen
Specimen A – Weevil-damaged bean seed
Specimen B – Viable bean seed
Specimen C – Dried maize grain soaked in water overnight
Specimen D – Soldier termite (dead)
Specimen E – Honeybee (dead)
Specimen F – Muddy water (in a test tube)
Specimen G – Lower jaw of a herbivore with teeth intact
Specimen H – Head of domestic fowl (complete)
Specimen J – Quill feather
Specimen K – Leg of domestic fowl (complete)
Specimen L – Head of duck (complete)
Specimen M – Head of domestic fowl (complete)
Study specimens A and C and answer questions 1(a) to 1(c).
(a) Classify specimens A and C based on their life cycle.
(b) State four observable differences between specimens A and C.
(c) State three ways by which the damage to specimen A could have been prevented.
(d) Name the type of germination that would be observed when specimens A and C are planted.
(c) Place a flat side of specimen C on the tile. Using the razor blade/scalpel/knife provided cut through the specimen longitudinally.
(i) Make a drawing, 6 cm to 8 cm long of the cut surface of one half of specimen C and label fully.
(ii) Add a drop of iodine solution to the cut surface of the other half of specimen C and record the activity on the table below:
Test |
Observation |
Inference |
Study specimens D and E and answer questions 2(a) and 2(b).
(a) (i) Name the specific habitats of each of specimens D and E.
(ii) State five observable structural differences between specimens D and E exhibit?
(b) State two ways by which specimen E is of economic importance.
Study specimen G and answer questions 2(c) to 2(e).
(c) On the table below, name the types of teeth present in specimen G and state one function each of the types of teeth named.
Types of teeth |
One function |
(d) (i) Name the mode of feeding of the organism from which specimen G was
(ii) State three ways by which specimen G adapts its organisms to the
mode of feeding stated in 2(d)(i).
(c) Name two mineral elements which are needed, for the proper functioning of
specimen G in the body.
Study specimens H, K and M and answer questions 3(a) to 3(f).
(i) specimens H and L;
(ii) specimens K and M.
(b) (i) State two ways each by which each of specimens H and M adapt the organisms to
their modes of life.
(ii) Name types of food that the organism that possesses specimen H feeds on.
(c) Make a drawing, 8 cm to 10 cm long of specimen M and label fully.
(d) Name one feeding habit of the organisms that possesses specimen K.
(e) Name one feeding habit of each of the organisms that possesses
specimens H and L:
(f) State two observable similarities between specimens:
(i) H and L;
(ii) K and M.